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Jasmine Project Ethereum SDK

Typescript Implementation


SDK wraps the interactions with TFC ERC20 Token contract on Ethereum. A detailed documentation can be found in docs


Using npm:

npm install jasmine-eth-ts

Or using yarn:

yarn add jasmine-eth-ts


Import module:

import SDK, {Account, TFC} from "jasmine-eth-ts";

The entry point should SDK class. First thing to do is to construct an SDK object using an Ethereum endpoint (e.g. local private chain http://localhost:8545).

let sdk = new SDK("http://localhost:8545");

For testing purposes, we provide a MockEthereum class which wrapper ganache-core to provide a test environment to use SDK. Get the predefined accounts (each has 100 Ether) and endpoint:

let mockEth = new MockEthereum();

When using MockEthereum, you can create a new TFC ERC20 contract using:

let contractAddress = await sdk.deployTFC(initialTokenHolders, creator);

initialTokenHolders must be an array of length 20 of Accounts, who will split the initial 2 billion token supply evenly.

Using the sdk object, we can create a new Ethereum account:

let account: Account = sdk.createAccount();

Or retrieve an existing account using private key:

let account: Account = sdk.retrieveAccount(privateKey);

We can set a default account for the sdk object to interact with Ethereum:


Now a TFC object can be constructed using its address of contract:

let tfc: TFC = sdk.getTFC(contractAddress, account);

The second parameter of getTFC() is optional, which is the default account for the tfc object to interact with Ethereum. If omitted, the default account of tfc object will be use the same one as sdk object.

Now with the tfc object, we can directly interact with smart contract:

let balance = await tfc.balanceOf(account.address); // get token balance
await tfc.transfer(anotherAccount.address, new BN(10)); // transfer 10 tokens from default account to anotherAccount 

More APIs can be found in the documentation.

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